Friday, July 20, 2012

About this blog

This blog is an anthology written by managers and leaders for fellow managers & leaders from around the world. This blog has been written by practical leaders who talk about what keeps them inspired.

This blog invites you to explore the stories and quotes (and...) that inspire other leaders, and through this, your own leadership.

You are invited to submit your own contribution as well. The more people who contribute, the more leaders can be inspired. The contributors have told me how much they enjoyed writing their piece as it made them think about how their practice leadership. My aim is to have a wide diversity of international contributors from large and small organisations, public, commercial & voluntary, and from all levels with a wide variety of backgrounds and professions. Everyone has something to offer. Everyone has a story or an idea, or a film or book that has inspired them. What is yours?

This is a blog to dip into in whatever way works for you. You can read it in date order or search for any theme that interest you. Or just randomly click on a link. You may come here only once or you may become a regular visitor or contributor.

I hope that the this blog will make you and other readers tingle as you read about what inspires other leaders and then I hope that you will make a connection between your own stories and poems (and…) and how you are as a leader.

I look forward to hearing from you with a contribution or any comments on the blog. Thank you.


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